Just thought I’d share this…
My mom’s organized all the free samples and stuff that we got in the past couple months..and mostly they’re samples and stuff from Lancome (as my mom is a big fan of the brand…)
So basically, she told me that she’s organized all the Lancome BI-Facil makeup remover in the bathroom cupboard for me (since I only use the makeup remover from the samples mainly,) and I go to open the cupboard door and this is what I see…
I was honestly QUITE shocked and froze for a couple seconds! HAHA
I’d have to say that i wouldn’t be needing to buy makeup remover for a REALLY REALLY long time!!! xD
WHOA. that makes you wonder how much ur mum shops @ lancome!! XDDD or if she has a really goood good good friend @ lancome AHAHAHHA :P
Wow what a lovely surprise! for some reason I love collecting samples like these ^^
@elle: HAHAHA yea my mom goes crazy at the Lancome counter...HEY!! there's a REASON that I'm this addicted to makeup ok`?!~? it's INHERETED!!! XD
@Kallen: I was REALLY speechless when I saw them! but yes, I completely understand what you mean when you say you like collecting samples like these! =D
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