It seems to always be in the fall going into winter that I get tiny blister on my lips. They not only hurt, but they make my lips extremely dry and rough! No amount of water or lip balm is enough to hydrate it and cure it. So today I’ve decided to turn to my roots and try something traditional: Herbal Tea?
Traditional Chinese medicine has a lot of amazing results. Everything is about Yin and Yang, and so each ingredient is either “warm” or “cool”
Basic Idea: The dryness that’s experienced here is related to an increase in the “heat” element of the body. In order to counterbalance that, you must give yourself “cool” elements. This is how you would restore the balance of the system and everything would go back to normal.
This tea is going to boost your body’s overall homeostasis, hydrate, and will improve your skin conditions too!!
Today I’ve chosen:
Classical example of a “cool” herb. It’s widely used in desserts, and drinks, and it’s a very popular ingredient for floral tea!
This is typically used in the summer and has a very calming effect on the body. It’s also exceptionally good for your eyes!
Rose Buds
Very aromatic, and is great for visual effects! Rose is a delicate ingredient that really helps to improve skin conditions making them softer and more supple!
Golgi Berries
Dried Golgi berries are another classical ingredient, it’s primary function is actually to boost the function of your kidneys!
Kidneys are the PRIMARY sources of waste excretion, and basically Golgi berry will help regulate the toxicity of your system, and clear any kind of build up out! It’s also great for maintaining weight and can really help improve circulation around the body! It’s a very good ingredient to help hydrate the body with.
What I did:
All you need to do, is just to put all the ingredients together (rinse Golgi berries under water since they can accumulate dust) and just soak them in boiling water to create a very aromatic cup of tea!

The chrysanthemum is a ingredient that will induce urination, which helps remove waste in the body and will really BOOST and speed up your body’s metabolic process!
This is what I’d like to call BEAUTY FROM WITHIN!
I think doesn’t matter what your ethnicity is, this will be a cup of perfumy goodness that you should definitely try!
All the ingredients are extremely affordable and easy to find, and it’s going to take NO TIME at all to wip up!
I encourage you all to try it, and let me know how it worked for you!!
P.s. if you’re not accustomed to herbal ingredients, the taste might throw you off a little bit, but all you have to do is to put some honey into it (NOT TOO MUCH!) and it should be good to go!