It was a good coverage, but it was dry!! What I mean by that is that when you put it on, the instant you slide it onto your face, it feels really POWDERY and hard to blend…
This is what I wore today:
Ignore the ugly poster..I’ve had that since elementary school….>.>
From afar, the foundation gives a good balanced coverage everywhere. It’s not overly matifying which is always good, and it’s not very powdery or cakey.
Going a bit closer, you can start noticing the broken capillaries seeping through the foundation on my cheeks. Notice that under the eye and around the nose where I tend to get oily, it seems like it’s cakey and powdery.
The cakey-ness is ESPECIALLY NOTICEABLE under the eyes in this one…makes it SOO apparent that I have wrinkles there…O.O However, it remains acceptably smooth everywhere else
What I used to complete the look:
1) Skin79 Hot Pink BB Cream as a base
2) MAC Pro Long wear in NC25
3) MAC Studio Fix Powder Foundation
4) lots of blush and highlighter!!
The prolong wear didn’t give this coverage!! The Studio Fix powder did!! Studio Fix powder is an AMAZING powder foundation that has probably a medium to full coverage!! I had to go over the Pro Longwear with the powder because it wasn’t covering what I wanted for it to cover!
I also used a really bright highlight which is what gives that glow, the actual foundation itself is actually QUITE matte!!!
*** These pictures were taken after 7 hours of wear, 1 blot, and no touchups. ***
The Ratings~!
Staying power – ❤❤❤❤
hydration – ❤❤
Coverage –❤❤❤
Price – ❤❤❤❤
I don't think I'll be buying this…I'm just not stunned upon my first try…and I'm one of those very OCDed people, that if I don't like in the beginning, no matter how hard I try to like it later on…there will always be like a shadow there…-.-
Anyway…that was for my first Foundation Diary… =)
Hope you enjoyed!
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