Gosh, I really need to figure out how to get my computer to upload my videos in HD…><
the file is way too big…>< I need a new editing program…*sigh*
Here are also some pictures I took afterwards:
✿ You're One-Stop Beauty Station ✿
Take a look at all the goodies I received in the mail and find out about my opinions on the products!
Gosh, I really need to figure out how to get my computer to upload my videos in HD…><
the file is way too big…>< I need a new editing program…*sigh*
Here are also some pictures I took afterwards:
I’ve only recently did a very small purchase at www.eyeslipsface.com
For a while, I was very distant to the whole make-up “community” for reasons such as school and work, and I had no CLUE that ELF launched a line of brushes for their mineral makeup sets.
When I saw these brushes online, I fell INSTANTLY in love with them, and right there and then I decided that I needed to get them.
For the amount that they were priced at, they looked to be very promising; not only did the design of the brushes look great, but the bristle looked extremely soft!
I finally got these purchases today, and when I touched the brush I knew, that it was completely worth the $5 spent!!
Do you remember when you first bought your ELF studio brushes (if you have them,) how soft the bristles were, and how satisfied you felt with your purchase because this was truly WORTH the money spent?? Well, let me tell you, these new mineral line brushes give you the same feeling…times that by 1000.
It honestly took me about half a day to get over the astonishment of how such good quality can be found for such a reasonable price!!
Here is to show you a picture of the powder brush that I got:
Along with this, I also purchased a small eyeliner brush, and a blending eye brush – both of which I will upload pictures for, at a later time.
However, despite my excitement about these AWESOME brushes, I was EXTREMELY disappointed with the 2 mineralized blushes that I bought, and specifically I was annoyed at the fact, that the colours of the blushes were NOT RIGHT!
I ordered 2 blushes: “Coral” and “Rose”
On their website, “Coral” is a very vibrant red with orange undertones, which is what a true coral colour would be like, while “Rose” is a softer version of a fuscia pink. (pictures below)
When I got the products, I was actually SHOCKED at how inaccurate the colour depiction on their website is!!!
The “Rose” colour turned out to be a very CORAL colour, while the actual “Coral” (or as it claims to be,) is no doubt a PEACH colour!! In fact, the “Coral” is so peach, that it practically is the same shade as my natural skin colour.
The “Rose” colour is very closely related to their Studio line blush in “candid coral” (again, it’s more a coral than a rose) and their “Coral” is almost a duplicate of their Studio line blush in “Peechy Keen” (see?? peach!!)
L: Coral R:Rose
(no I did not make a mistake!!-.-!!)
I don’t know whether this was a mistake in the packaging of these products, and was mixed up in the process, or it was a serious mistake in the website’s pictures, either way, I am frustrated and upset by this, because after all, I paid $5 for them!!
They each contained 6oz. of products, which initially on the website, I thought they were the same size as the Bare Esscentual ones, but in reality they were MUCH smaller!!
The reviews on the website also had a lot of problems with WRONG colours, or bad pigmentation…
I used to think highly of ELF, but now it’s really making me doubt their abilities to MAINTAIN their standards and consistency in terms of their quality of products and CUSTOMER SERVICE (did you know that ELF now charges a custom fee which they didn’t before~?!?~ O.O)
Anyway, I have some mixed feelings about the order this time. I will maybe be ordering some more brushes soon, but as for makeup products, I think I’ll need a bit of time to recover from this before I buy anything else.
Long review, lots of rambles, hope it was entertaining!
That’s it for now!
NEW video ideas!!!
I owe Wendy a BIG apology and also a BIIIIG thanks!
Wendy is just starting out in makeup and for her, I’ve come up with the idea that I should do a whole series of videos of basic makeup tutorials! (DUH! WHY DIDN’T I THINK OF THIS EARLIER…><)
Anyway, I told her that I would have a video up on Wednesday, but since school has been so busy, there was no way that I could’ve done it this week…=(
So the first video is going to be about foundation and base makeup~
And the second is going to be the very much anticipated EYEBROW video by a couple of other friends that have been waiting for this for AGES~~(sorry, me and my procrastination habits!!) But I will FINALLY be getting around to doing this~ and I have some really good ideas for the videos too!! ^^
Here’s a sneak peak to the eyebrows:
I WILL be getting myself a TRIPOD!! this way, I’ll FINALLY be able to improve my recording qualities with my new camera too~~ –.-!!
So many “finally”s in this post…I guess I have been putting a lot of things aside for studying…
I’m REALLY looking forward to these videos~ and I hope you are too!! =D
That’s it for now~ <3
Just a bunch of random things that I bought over the past few weeks…
This is by far the best sun screen that I’ve ever used…it’s REALLY great as a moisturizer, and it doesn’t irritate my skin at all. It really is a non-greasy or oily formulate, and absorbs quickly into your skin once applied. I love it so much, I bought one to use over the WINTER.
I have yet to decide whether I like this or not. It’s a good formula and consistency, however I HATTTTTE the brush!! it’s so hard to control, and honestly I don’t think this does anything special to my lashes at all..*sigh*
More things from TBS and Clinique. I LOVE the DDSM soo much, that I’m already ready for my second big regular sized bottles!! >< (and it’s only been like 2 months!!,) I got the small size at Sephora to carry around with me when I go swim, and the toner from TSB is my LIFE SAVER right now! It cleans the skin AMAZINGLY and I don’t get as oily throughout the day. I literally DRINK this stuff, but it’s okay~ cuz it’s really affordable too…
Haha! I don’t even know what these are called…except that they’re the Taiwanese hair thingies…LOL!! but I really like these…They don’t dent my hair at all, and my hair is so prone to being dent!!! jeez…
Also have no clue what this is actually called, but it’s the “thing” that removes facial hair~ I’m not sure how this is compare to the real trademarked thing…obviously because I just got a look-alike verison and hoped that it wasn’t too different from the original thing. So far, all I’ve noticed is that it REALLY HURTS MY FACE!!>< but the results seem to be good =)
Since I finished my other white pearl version of the My Beauty Diary masks, I finally got the chance to buy the apple version which I’ve longed to try for a really long time!! They are REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY GOOOOOOOD!!!! There is one thing however, that bothers me a little…it says on the box that it contains polyphenol which…being the crappy chemistry that I am…is an alcohol right~?! or a derivative?? or something among the lines of alcohol~?! I mean…it doesn’t dry my skin out or anything, and there’s been nothing wrong it my skin so far…but it’s just one thing that I should be keeping an eye on…><
Anyway…that’s all for now…
Midterms Midterms Midterms…
I hate midterms. –.-!!
I really wish that midterms would be over soon so that I can catch up with BLOGGING!!
I have SOO many posts planned, but there simply just ISN’T time to write them down!! T.T
Anyway…Since i don’t really have time to write a real post…and I’m really itching to update my blog…I’ll just upload a random FOTD…=D
LOL…there’s no reason for me to look pretty and do my makeup and stuff…but I guess that I haven’t done anything serious with my face…that I was just really MISSING IT…!! =(
well…anyway…I really really wanna go see “Life as We Know It” so hopefully that’s going to happen SOON after the BIO and ANTHRO midterms this wekk… =)
anyway~ that’s all for now!
Whoever said that makeup is useless and a waste of money can now go shoot themselves in the knee...
Not only does makeup have the ability to enhance the natural beauty that we have inside, but also, makeup is a powerful tool as a HOUSEHOLD CLEANING DETERGENT~?!~ O.O
yep! you heard right!!
I am very OCD when it comes to keeping things PERFECTLY clean…
I was trying to clean a dry erasable calendar over the weekend, and no matter how hard i scrubbed with water, the marker just won’t come off completely!!! (which according to the marker, water was claimed to be the cleaning detergent that’s effective enough for removing of the marker)
And then I though to myself…hey…isn’t this the same as removing makeup residue on your face after you wash your face~?! O.O and that led me into thinking that TONER was the perfect candidate for the job!!
So i grabbed a cotton pad and got some of my Seaweed Toner on there (I know, what a wasteful way to use it…!><) but anyway, I then scrubbed at the marker and it was GONE!!!
So now I have a complete and legitimate reason to snap back at anyone that is ever going to tell me that makeup is useless and a waste of money!! =D
I’m also happy to realize that I’ve not completely dulled by this whole studying science thing, and that I’m still very creative when it comes to life~ ^^ THANK GOD!
lol~ anyway~ that’s all for now…