Hi everyone!
Sorry I’ve been MIA for a while for the stupid etymology assignment…but glad that’s over with!!><
I might still be absent for a little longer (about a week or so,) since my exam for the course is next Wednesday…but after that, I should be able to blog a lot more frequently…
I will be probably heading down to the States at the end of August (NYC and Washington…possibly Baltimore,) for a week…during which i will definitely be buying a LOT of things that are not carried in Canada, and I’ll be sure to update frequently!
On with the post now:
To make my come back on blog, I’ve decided to follow through with my scheduled posts and do my current drug store Wish List!
I’d also like to give everyone a heads up that:
SHOPPERS is currently having their 10 year anniversary sale!!
a LOT of their stuff right now is discounted and you also receive 10x optimum points for you purchases! GOOD DEAL huh~?!
anyway~ it seems to me that there’s an on-going trend of drugstore makeup going high end!
It used to be the fact that drugstore brands would make products that imitated higher end department store products for their packaging. I tried to stay positive about the imitations, but every so often when i fall in the trap of buying them, there was never good results. So I’ve learned to stay away from them. Occasionally that required going the extra distance of actually TELLING myself that they weren’t worth the money, but either way, the faith in the idea of getting good quality makeup for less the price, was lost.
However, in recent months….or maybe year or two, drugstores have been coming up with decent products that really impressed upon me and left me with a sort of addiction to drugstore products.
For example:
1) Revlon Colourstay – one of my absolute FAVOURITE foundations
2) Revlon Photoready – of which i ABOSLUTELY HATED! but have been compared to MUFE HD foundation
3) Gosh eyeliner pencils and brow pencils…etc etc
and the list just goes on…
So now that I’ve gotten a little more courage to try out drugstore brands, here’s a list of a couple of products that i would specifically like to purchase:
1) Covergirl Lash Blast Fusion – Apparently i didn’t really like lash blast length…because i thought it was a very dry formula that didn’t work for me. I like the original Lash Blast (like everyone else in the whole wide world does,) but i find that the formula is VERY wet and smudges easily when it’s not dried…It takes a lotta effort to take the original Lash Blast off, which sorta was a down side, but it really does make a HUGE difference to your lashes that I’ve never seen with any of my other mascaras. The Lash Blast Fusion supposedly has a drier formula, kind of in between the original and the Length…but also the big brush from the original that works wonders on your lashes. Fusion is now available at shoppers (or at least shoppers near me.) This week it’s on sale for $8.99 CAD

2) L’Oreal’s Magic Perfecting Base – I used to hate L’Oreal, and i think the reason is because i got my first mascara from them…and back then i really didn’t know a whole lot about choosing makeup…and it sort of left a bad impression with me…but ANYHOO…after the last purchase with them…I have become REALLY impressed with their newer line of products! (be expecting a review shortly) and I can’t wait to try them out! I was on the hunt for a good primer, because i think it’s REALLY important to have one for a smooth foundation application that will last you all day..and this one seems to be the popular one at the moment with a lot of makeup lovers around the world. I’ve tried this on the back of my hand once, and it seemed like it was very smooth and silky on the skin. Since I have sensitive skin, I really need to be careful of what i put on my skin. But since i can tolerate their foundation, I think this would also be very gentle and safe to use for me.
3) L’Oreal Infallible Collection for Lips – This is almost like a lip stain…and I’ve always wanted one…They are still a little pricy, but if I’m not mistaken, I heard they were really good in quality too…this is maybe where S’s employee discount might come in handy…xD hahaha!!
4) NYC Ultra Moist LipWear – after trying out the mosaic powders i fell in LOVE with this brand!! the quality of the product was great!! and the price was even greater!! I really wanna try this lip stick because there is not only a great range of colours, they are also at a very affordable price and seem to be very well made…=)
5) NYC Colour Wheel Mosaic Face Powder – If you’ve read my previous blog post, you know that i did purchase one of these to try out…but I loved these SO much that I am putting them on my wish list still because I’m DYING to try out a couple more different colours! A review will be coming up shortly, but if you are interested in buying these, I strongly suggest it, because i think for the price that it’s sold at, you will be getting a GREAT product!

6) Wet N Wild MegaEyes Creme Eyeliner – I’m really kind of new to this brand…so to start off…I’m going to look forward to buying some things that people have raved about over and over again on the internet to get a feel of the brand first…and this cream eyeliner is DEFINITELY the first thing that I would go to. It’s been compared to MAC’s BlackTrack Fuildline before, and I’m really curious as to it’s quality and performance. however, so far I’ve not been able to find one of these in a store in Toronto yet, so if anyone knows where you can get these, definitely leave a comment below~ =)
7) Wet N Wild ColourIcon Eyeshadow Palette – Ever since I’ve seen a tutorial by xteener using these…I fell head over heal for these!! To me, they seem to be VERY creamy and pigmented on the eyes and easily blendable. I’ve seen these in Mal-marts, and am definitely going to try these soon!
8) Last but not least…Wet N Wild Mega Last Lip Colour…I’ve seen many tutorials using these and got quite interested in them…since they’re not expensive at all…I thought I’d get them….but considering the fact that they only have 1 or 2 colours that I really liked…I’m not so sure if I want to spend the money to get it…since the colour they have are very similar to lip colours that i already own…so I am still debating about this one…
anyway~~ this was a very long post….If you have any comments or suggestions, definitely leave them in the comments below~ =)
That’s it for now! ^^